I Told the Water

Self-Portrait as Mango

To the Littlest Sibling

Before the Accident, and After

Soliloquies from the Village of Orphans and Widows

Fable of the Firstborn

Aubade with Sage and Lemon

The Poem You’ve Been Waiting For

Your Own Palm

Apology from a Muslim Orphan

The Interviewer Acknowledges Grief

Self-Portrait as Artemis

100 Bells 

The Hidden Register of Submission

The Hidden Register of Hunger

The Hidden Register of Solace

Consider the Hands Once Smaller

Dark Pairing

The Scar

What I Want is Simple


Self-Portrait as Slinky

You Ask Why Write About It Again

En Route to Bangladesh, Another Crisis of Faith

One Ocean

Elegy with Her Red-Tipped Fingers

Aubade Ending with the Death of a Mosquito

Ramadan Nocturne


The streetlamp above me darkens

Postcards to the Other Brown Girl in My Weightlifting Class

Dhaka Aubade

West Texas Nocturne


Your Own Country

Poetry Recitation at St. Catherine’s School for Girls

Reading Celan at the Liberation War Museum

The Interviewer Acknowledges Shame

Dinner Party Nocturne


Register of Eliminated Villages

Dhaka Nocturne

from Interview with a Birangona

Reading Transtromer in Bangladesh 


portrait by Katherine J. Lee